Nursery gallery wall.Artchain challenge day 2

For my second day on the #artchain challenge on facebook, i`ll post about my boys nursery decoration.

Dots & DInosaurs (4)


When i was pregnant i was obsessed with decorating his room.Its my favourite room in the apartment. Favourite room for my favourite thing 🙂


Before i was drawn  into sewing world i was very much into painting. And whats more fun to paint than dinosaurs,robots,monsters………….. ( if it would have been a girl, same thing! i just love me some monsters.and the walls were blue from the start!)

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I created a couple of bigger canvases for different walls and then one Gallery wall were i mixed all kinds of frames and styles.

Some of them are painted by me and some are postcards that were just too adorable!11004760_952845794734898_1512291224_n11016631_952845788068232_977618738_n10965288_952845784734899_1001118115_n11004499_952845791401565_515906842_n

some older work from me found also space in the kiddies room



Have a good day!