Give away from spring collection 2015

I did it! I made children’s clothing! Never would i have thought that i could do it but then the most wonderful thing happened to me. My serger 🙂

After i drew many,many  patterns and redid things and made my child about 50 ……….( HA ! it almost slipped out) i decided i need to change my strategy.

I put out a Facebook poll for a little give away from my store to see how other kids get on with the sizing ( they are all soooo different).Only a lucky 3 people will have the possibility to get an exclusive preview into my spring collection for the kids. NO further info of course. It’s all a big surprise!

BUT if you are reading my blog than i can show you one little detail. Wait for it.Here it comes.Now you know why im so in love with this right now : TOO CUTE!!!! 10945921_938381039514707_676050894_n

( note: this fabric is only used in a part of the collection)

I’m so excited for all of you to see the all other items but they wont be available in the shop until beginning of march. But i can drop here and there some hints cant i 🙂

And of course there are lots of other fun things in there so go ahead and check it out!

YOU can still take part in this competition until tomorrow ( 23.01.15) 12 am.!!! ( europe wide)

Go to my facebook side, like my page and enter a comment under the competition post about age and size of your child!

Good luck and yey for foxes 🙂