A New Year and fancy tods

I know,im a bit late.With a toddler at home who seems to catch every bug that goes around i wasnt even able to celebrate the opening of my online shop! Finally i made it to etsy! Might not seem like a big deal after they are probably loads of craft moms out there who do the same but it does feel good to throw some of my creations out there and stop making even more stuff for my spoilt little one ๐Ÿ™‚

So have a look around if you wish or stay on here for a while and read about my latest obsession!

I do love a good dressed toddler. Unfortunatly its almost entirely impossible to keep the lovely clothes tidy or even put them on them ( yes some days i actually chase my lo through the apartment to get his pants on while he has lots of fun).BUT ย its always possible to add a little something.A TODDLER TIE! Look at those,aren’t they too cute?


I got some fab fabrics from my last uk visit and thought they make a cute accessory! If your kids are older they could even choose their fabric themselves!

I handcrafted the pattern myself and added elastic and velcro in the back for an easy fit.Mine would fit a 18 month old to about 5/6 years.


I used cotton fabrics to make them washable.

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I might make some in silk at some point but that would be better on older kids.

Hopefully i can get my boy to stand still for once ( not likely) and make a photo so you can see them in action ! ๐Ÿ™‚

I also got an overlock sewing machine from the bestest mum ever, so you might be able to find some clothing items on my side soon!

So thats my creative start into 2015.Hope you have a good one too!

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