Little birthday doll

Ok , I confess . I couldn’t give the little doll away. Partly because she wasn’t quite perfect and partly because it was my first doll and I kinda fell in love.

So I made her a little twin. I changed a few bits like the hair and the thickness of legs arms ( much easier to fill now) and I’m quite happy with the result.


There they are.

I also made a few pics how to turn tight fabric tubes inside out.That can be a real pain. When i make my bags it takes me 30 min to sew the bag and 45 min to just turn the handles inside out! So i thought of something.

First of all my weapons of choice. A chopstick with a blunt tip ( so it doesn’t make a hole into the fabric while turning ) and the plastic casing of a pen.

Just pop the tube into the fabric all the way to the end.


Then push the chopstick into the tube pulling the fabric over it. that’s it! so simple.


Totally tempted of making a few more of those dolls. Maybe even a little superhero!?

Check out my etsy store for more fun stuff.

Little miss strawberry

The daughter of a friend of mine is turning two and i just got into the habit of sewing things as presents.

So i was thinking for a while and was totally busy pinteresting ( addicted!!!!) when i stumbled up on some little fabric dolls. ( ill include link once its found)

I never made a doll before but they did not look too difficult so i gave it a try.

I used a fine fabric pen for some of her face as im rubbish at hand embroidery. The eyes are childproof snaps.

Here is the face :10744885_881372598548885_1707379571_n


10744644_881372601882218_1674255185_n Added my label to her skirt.    10728519_881372608548884_1256960024_n Almost done. Stuffing of arms and legs took forever….


10743349_881372615215550_479417226_n10749424_881372611882217_672492509_n (1)  There she is. I think she turned out quite lovely. Almost tempted to keep her 🙂 Was hoping that my boy is interested in her,so i have an excuse to make more, but nope.

Maybe if some of you are also fond of her i could make some for my shop! Let me know!!


Rainy day’s

Call me crazy but i do like the rain. It gives you an excuse to be lazy and stay inside! What is cozier than some autumn showers when the air is all crisp and fresh. Make some tea,cuddle up and craft! Well that’s what i do in that case.Autumn . My favorite!

Now to the crafting.


Rainy day mobile

I’ve sewn a couple of clouds and stuffed them with pillow stuffing. Along with felt raindrops, felt balls and a little bell at the end are they making quite a lovey little window mobile. My little one loves them!

I made a bunch of them in different shades and a few with stuffed owls and a felt heart.

owl/ clouds- mobiles

owl/ clouds- mobiles

What do you think? ( i know , need a better camera)

Do you like the rain?

Geometric love

Hey there, i’ve had this gorgeous fabric laying around the house for a long time. I bought it at stof&stil in malmö ( the place where i probably leave most of my money these days ) and was not quite sure what do with it. But then i thought that tote bags are awesome and a woman can never have to may bags. am i right ?



Tote bags were my first ever sewing project and are so versatile! i made many as last minute bday gifts.

This pattern comes originally from the fantastic blogger Pattydoo. She has a bunch of patterns and tutorials that are hard to fail even for an absolute beginner.Over the time i adapted it a little.

I paired it with one of my go-to fabrics, a yellow gingham canvas, which i bought in the same week as i got my beloved sewing machine. Best thing -they were second hand curtains and lasted me almost 2 years now! I love to reuse fabrics as its so much better for the environment.

Here is what the end product look like :

10735985_881356571883821_1356378755_n outside                       10736204_881356565217155_786261966_n  inside.

( sorry for the crappy photo quality )

Anyway, they are super super sturdy. Working well for heavy grocery shop or as a library bag.

Cause i loved to combo so much i made a couple and i will put them up in my shop . .



Welcome welcome!

Finally !!! I started a blog to show my creative work in progress and it’s inspiration.

I created a little label which focuses mainly on nursery decor, baby/ kids accessories and sometimes even stuff for mums. I decided that my kid has enough mummy made things so it’s time to go out there and make other ones happy !

If I don’t run after my toddler i usually paint, sew and craft.I hope you will enjoy visiting my blog and are looking as much forward to my upcoming online store as I am !